Gratitude is a powerful thing

I have now completed 2 rounds of chemo. The new Mayo recommended drug, Kisqali, is going well. Side effects are manageable and consist mostly of fatigue and some evening digestive mayhem. The chemo dropped my white count and neutrophils so I am cautious not to go anyplace crowded or knowingly be in close contact with anyone that is ill. This round I decided to make our kids and parents the inner circle. So far that is working. Hopefully my next blog entry isn’t from a bed at Sanford. The larger battle with a diagnosis such as this, at least for me, has been getting to that point of acceptance. Acceptance that life has changed in a big way and that those visions of retirement, traveling and growing older with the most supportive, considerate, bad ass humanitarian husband a hippie girl could hope for probably won’t happen. I mean he lets me take in all these special needs pets…and now I am starting with aquariums and fish. I am pretty sure I...