How Did We Get Here??

 The Adjustment period.  That is what we will call this stage of our journey with this bitch named Cancer. I was officially diagnosed sometime back in July after I came upon a doctor who actually listened to me and heard my complaints of horrible nighttime leg pain and knew something was going on. And actually, the one that figured it out wasn’t even an MD at a top notch facility.  It was Katie Banley, NP at Family Healthcare.  I first met Katie when taking one of my trafficking survivors for treatment at Family Healthcare.  I immediately liked her energy and confirmed she was a good choice with my friend Tara who is a nurse at Homeless Health and one of the people I most admire and love in this world. Through experience with my daughter’s battles with chronic pancreatitis, I have come to dislike many things about Sanford and avoid the big healthcare conglomerates whenever possible. Katie said right away, “I don’t like it Sonya, not with your history of breast cancer.  We are going to figure this out.”  And that is exactly what she did.  She ordered no less than 8 blood tests.  The labs were inconclusive, cancer markers were all in normal range.  This is the point when most doctors would say, “You are getting older, some aches and pains are normal.  Maybe you should try some yoga or exercise.  Do you go to therapy?  That might help.”  Katie instead went another route and called my oncologist from 4 years earlier when he helped to eradicate my Stage 1 breast cancer.  Dr. Gitau and Katie ended up having a conversation on a Saturday…of all things! By Monday I had orders for a bone scan….and then an MRI…and then a PET scan….and then biopsies, and here we are today with good old Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer. 


  1. You are my hero, cuz!! You’re doing all of this with such grace and strength. You’re finding joy in all the little things and just keep pushing on. I love you more than you could possibly know. From cash registers, to girl fights, to being my maid of honor, to sharing time together and supporting each other we’ve seen a ton. I’ll continue to be by your side through this bitch cancer!! Always!


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